Saturday, November 1, 2008

rd ramblings and reflections

Sometimes I try to think in terms of the big picture and most of the time my mind is overwhelmed because the big picture includes God and trying to figure out what He might be doing behind the scenes is beyond human comprehension except for maybe an occasional glimpse from precedents in the past. Yet faith requires that I not assume that humankind is in the driver's seat of world affairs. Thus as the election approaches I ask myself if God is involved in the process and if so what might His will be for the outcome and the consequences that would seem to follow.. Admittedly such analysis is speculative and some would say worthless. If you are of such a mind, then turn on Fox or go to Drudge where speculation doesn't include God. Maybe such is safer and more spiritual. You be the judge, but for those who have little to do and who believe God might be ok with such speculation then continue to read and let me know what you think.

First, I believe in God's providence. I don't believe that everything that happens is determined solely by man's thoughts and actions. When the ir0n curtain came down so unexpectedly and confounded all the experts in 1989, I believe God's providence was involved. When Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt, I believe human thought and action precipitated the event, but that God brought together the circumstances in such a way that the sell of Joseph happened in order to accomplish a purpose of God that transcended Joseph's experience. I wonder if God has some purpose in mind beyond election Tuesday that might transcend America and our personal lives. Could it be that God has some purpose beyond the national boundaries of the United States.

I'm sure leaders of Iran would answer yes to my last question and would argue that Allah wants America with its infidels to decline into an economic and violent abyss. Obviously I disagree with such an assessment, but we must remember that there are millions who are praying to their God and working to see that their prayer becomes reality.

Second. consider some of the events of the past couple of months leading up to the election. After the Republican convention and McCain's selection the polls showed McCain with a lead. The surge was working and at that time Iraq was the big issue in the minds of Americans. Then unexpectedly and overnight the bottom fell out of the economy. Who predicted it? Why did it happen when it did? Coincidence. maybe! Providence, surely we don't rule out that possibility. If it did have to do with a stategy of God, then we ask "what is God up to"? Why would He rig the election so that Obama would win? Doesn't He know that those of us who are serving Him are fearful of the consequences of an Obama administration , especially as it may impinge upon certain freedoms in our land such as freedom of religion to speak as the bible speaks even on such subjects as homosexuality and gay marriage. Surely God agrees with us Roe vs Wade opened up the floodgates of death and needs to be overturned, but that such will not happen in our lifetime if Obama is elected.

Just as with Joseph, God may have a salvation strategy that we are unable to comprehend that even transcends the immediate critical issue of life. Is such possible? As important as life is, could there be anything more important. From a human standpoint my answer would be no, but from an eternal standpoint, my answer would be yes. Eternal life is even more important then life in this world. The infants in the womb are ok eternally, but millions and billions of lives outside the womb are not ok eternally. The message of Christ and his mission of salvation may in God's sight transcend the issues of American politics.

Over the past decade or two some amazing things have been happening. The center of Christian influence has been moving south and east . For several hundred years the center of Christian influence and mission was the west (Europe and America). Look at the great cathedrals of Western Europe, they are museums with memories of a christian past. America's christianity has become soft and watered down into a nice comfortable cultural community not much different from other therapeutic communites such as AA. God blessed America and I believe His providence made it possible for America to win the revolutionary war and prosper under a constitutional form of government, but today we have forgotten. God warned Israel through Moses that after they entered the promised land they would be tempted to forget who brought them there and even begin to worship other gods and give them the credit for their prosperity and plenty. Hundreds of years later in Hosea, chapter two, Hosea writes that Israel had forgotten who brought her to the land and had committed spiritual adultery by going after other gods.

Have we forgotten? For a few days following 9-11 we briefly remembered. Even congress remembered as law makers gathered on the steps of the capital to sing of how God had blessed America and pray that He would do so again. However, repentance did not come and remebrance was short lived.

Maybe its time for God to raise up His people in other lands and to move our prosperity south and east where people with greater enthusiam and commitment will carry His torch in the world and bring the message of Christ to the world. Maybe christianity in America has followed after the baals of our culture. Just as Israel did, we call the baals by the name of Yahweh but our God is not really to be identified with the God who brought us here.

Technology, entertainment. prosperity and comfort have replaced the Christ who calls us to the cross. Maybe we are to be brought back to the cross for the sake of the world, and if we refuse the journey back God will reach the world from the south and the east while we fade into the museums of the past.

I obviously have no confidence in my speculations because I'm not God or a prophet, but I do have some historical patterns from the past that suggest that my speculation is not without basis. Is such speculation alarming and disquieting, sure it is. False prophets of old preached peace because they found that people had rather be comforted than alarmed, and usuallly paid the preacher better when they heard "peace, peace" rather than"repentance, judgment".

My prayer is that the above speculation is wrong and that Tuesday will be a day we can celebrate because of a victory that in our humble estimation will be best for America and Christianiy. However, if we are disappointed may we remember that we are a kingdom people even before we are Americans and that we may still believe that God's kingdom can and will prosper if we continue to serve our king and pray for His people not just in America, but to the south, east , north and west. "Thy kingdom(reign) continue to come and expand".


Linda said...

You speak sooooo good!!! Our view is birdseye and God's view is panoramic. The church has always grown in times of persecution so what ever God has in mind for us, I trust in Him. Linda

Jan Kelley said...

I believe you are so on target.
I have been so concerned that God will forsake America because we have turned away from Him and denied Him in our government and made it laughable to say one is a "believer". America says that we should accept all those who come to our shores for a home and that we must accept their beliefs in other gods. America has said that only a bigot would think there is only one God and one way to Him.
I must remember that America is not His, I am His. If my nation turns from God, I must remain faithful, but ss an American, i will have to suffer the consequences that God sends to America or allows to happen to
God has always been so patient, but has offered the promise to others when His people have strayed. He offered it to Moses and i dont remember who else, but God is intent on preserving His people and if America is nn longer a people called by Him, then He is in control to decide where the message will be preserved and which people (ones who believe wholeheartedly that He is the true God and is to be honored and obeyed) are to be His people to share the message to His creation over this world.
My responsibility is to be faithful and to realize that while I live in America, I am His child and a resident in His kingdom.
I just have to trust and ask Him to remember me and give my every day to Him. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Thank you, Ronnie, for taking the time to write and publish this post. jk

Jan Kelley said...

Ronnie, I finally maade a comment on your blog of october 28. Just want to be sure you read it. I dont like your blogs to go uncommented on nor my comment not read. jk

rlw said...

Good words, Ronnie. Are you sure you're not a prophet?