Friday, October 31, 2008

Just 3 days to v day. What are our major concerns should Barak Obama be elected? socialism? enemies abroad might be emboldened to attack as Joe Biden warned? increased taxes that might even do more damage to the economy? These are legitimate concerns, but none of these are my number one concern.

My number one concern may be illustrated by the following:
(1) Joe the plumber challenges Obama's plan to raise taxes and suddenly Ohio begins an in depth background check on Joe. Is he behind in child support? Is he up to date on all his loans and taxes? Who are his friends? etc..(2) dozens of investigators upon the announcement of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate land in Alaska to do in depth research to see what problems they can find with Palin's past. (3) Three newspapers endorse John McCain and suddenly the Obama plane no longer has space for reporters from these papers to accompany the Obama parade. Obama's bridge building rhetoric becomes hollow when you find that those who don't agree with him will be punished rather than engaged in discussion. Will this be the way he negotiates with Iran, Russia and China? And Bush is a cowboy!

Over and over voices opposing Obama encountered discipline rather than discussion. Do you think talk radio has any chance of survival when Obama is president and the senate and house are in the control of his colleagues in the same party?? I have problems with some talk shows because I think they have more air than thought, but we are still better off by having freedom of speech as opposed to controlled speech. Do you think talk radio will be the only victim? What about the internet? What about churches? Already the IRS watches over churches and parachurch organizations to make sure they don't become involved in elections. Of course many do and have for a long time, but in the future will certain kinds of churches become more of a threat than others? Jeremiah Wright will probably be viewed as a wonderful example of freedom of religion, but those like James Dobson who consider homosexuality as a sinful behavior might want to be extra careful.

The previous paragraph would be considered by many as trading in fear. We're told "it would never happen here". Canadian churches would have said that a few years ago, but now laws exist in Canada that designate certain bibical texts as hate speech and one who cites those texts in public places is in danger of being placed behind bars. Some have already suffered that fate.

AN ACT FOR ESTABLISHING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM authored by Thomas Jefferson in 1786 includes the following: "to suffer the civil magistrate to intrude his powers into the field of opinion and to restrain the profession or propagation of principles, on the supposition of their ill tendency is a dangerous fallacy, which at once destroys all religious is time enough for the rightful purposes of civil government for its officers to interfere when principles break out into overt acts against peace and order....truth is great and will prevail if left to herself.. she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict..unless disarmed of her natural weapons, free argument and debate, errors cease to be dangerous when (truth) is permitted freely to contradict them.

May we pray that free argument and debate will always be unhindered by political power of the left or the right. If religions we don't agree with can be silenced then those we do agree with can be silenced by the same powers and if political argument we don't embrace can be silenced so can the argument that we endorse. Pray for our country's decision and for the candidates even the one we may not endorse. Truth can handle itself if allowed the freedom to express itself.



Linda said...

What do we have to fear if Obama is elected, let me count the ways. My concerns are many. The Fairness Act, as it is called, has no relationship to fairness. Talk radio will be gone, having a right to speak your piece or print it will be allowed only if it agrees with them and preaching on sin will be "hate speak". There will be abortion on demand, gun control, and the next two Supreme Court Judges will be liberal. He's already stated that the courts have failed to break through constitutional walls set by our forefathers so apparently he feels the constitution needs some "upgrading" which he will propose as a liberal president, with a liberal congress, liberal judges and of course a liberal media driving the whole thing. Among the first "corrections" he will likely make will be the definition of "marriage". All the others will "fall" in line.

We have so many things riding on the vote Tuesday. I am amazed that so many Americans are following him like mindless robots, but, for years the Democrats have been working to create a generation of "dependents" so why am I suprised? Now that the "Me, Me, Me" generation has been established they will follow him to their own destruction. God is still in control therefore I continue to pray for His blessings on America and for our endurance. Linda

Jan Kelley said...

Ronnie, How profound. Your last paragraph shall be my prayer. I feel so helpless and so glad I am 62 and that the majority of my years have already passed. These are truly such challenging times and I dont want to fear, but fear is present and screaming in my ears. I want us to have God hear our prayer and heal our land. I just cant believe this is going to happen. I will coninue to pray for All I know to do is to continueto pray for God's itervention without our having to suffer the punishment we deserve for our nations's shutting Him out of our American way. Blessed be the name of our God. jk