Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Redeem the time; redeem the dream" (T.S. Eliot). According to Arnold Toynbee, the historian, cultures and civilizations develop and die. The process is one of challenge and response. A culture is challenged in some way and it either responds and overcomes the challenge or the culture dies and something else replaces it. Today, we are faced with plenty of challenges and it remains to be seen if we can respond so as to preserve and even strengthen the good that remains in our country.

Russell Kirk writes:"No culture endures forever: Of those that have vanished, some have fallen to alien conquerors, as did Roman Britain; but most have expired in consequence of internal decay. When the cult failed, the culture presently crumbled to powder". Kirk is using "cult" in the scholarly sense of "religion". Kirk adds that "great cultures commonly pass through alternating periods of decay and renewal, flickering out finally after many centuries".

The mandate for the christians in America is to shine as light in our culture and call for moral renewal and thereby a strenghtening of our people. It matters little if we are in the minority or majority, God can work through one, a few or many. In the Old Testament God called Isaiah to remind His people that only a remnant would keep covenant with Him. Yet through that remnant the messiah came into the world and through the Jewish remnant of 12 apostles and a handful of followers of Jesus, the world was turned upside down. Our culture of the past 200 + years owes much to those remnants of the cult from the past.

Father may we dedicate ourselves to remnant living in order that the light of a culture influenced by christianity will not go out, but will once again burn brightly to your glory>

1 comment:

Jan Kelley said...

Ronnie, perhaps it is the gloominess of the weather up here pesently in Newburgh, but I am saddened at the state of our country and feel I am ready to give up and just live my life to His glory in my little corner of the world.
Your prayer is a prayer I will pray, however, I am feeling that America has perhaps reached her destiny of being a country of the "free" in that all peoples of the world have been welcomed here to our shores. Our nation was founded on one God and we have welcomed buddists, muslims. athiests, hindus and all to our shores. We hae givenrights of citizenshop and allof the privileges and protections our government allows. The "people" are not the same "people" that founded America. I am fearful that, like I believe you said in an earlier post, that God may choose to use a people on different shores that our shores. I do not see how this country can be returned to God. How long will His patience remain when our laws are against His laws and we do not honor Him in our government. I believe He does have a remnant fully alive in America, but I do believe that America perhaps is no longer His chosen nation. I am glad i am 62 and am nearing another shore where God is revered and honored and cherished and there is no sin and no danger and no sadness nor feeling of loss of one's greatness as a nation. God bless the remnent, and if it is His will, God bless America. jk