Monday, November 3, 2008

This was a great week-end. Most of you already know that my daughter Haylee was baptized Saturday evening. The previ0us week-end she had gone to help in the church under the bridge in Waco. This church ministers to the homeless in Waco and each Sunday has a worship service and a meal for the homeless. One of our youth leaders had gathered the teens in a circle and asked various members of the youth group to read aloud certain scriptures. He asked Haylee to read aloud Gal.2:20 which includes "I have been crucified with Christ", Haylee respectfully declined to read the text. The youth leader in a state of shock asked her why she would not read it and she replied "because I have not been crucified with him and don't believe I should say something that's not true of me".

Now its true of her and immediately following her baptism we all read Gal.2:20 aloud and in unison. Haylee joined with us. It was a thrill for her mom and dad, as well as others who were present at her baptism

Please pray for her and that she will be a powerful influence for the Lord.


1 comment:

Jan Kelley said...

The reciting of Gal 2;20 as a group was thrilling to read about. I can only imagine what it was like to be a participant. Haylee will be in my daily prayers as I pray for her mom and you. So thrilled I could be a tiny tiny participant with my stratigically placed phone call to the baptizer rightafter he performed the baptism on his beloved daughter. Blessed be the name of the Lord. His name will be praised into the next generation of the Wiggins' clan. Holy, Holy, Holy is our Lord God almighty. jk