Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Restoration Project was a good experience. The hotel was quite nice and the food was for sophisticated palates, but I ate it anyway. There were about a thousand in attendance which means someone or ones contributed a couple of hundred thousand dollars to sponsor the event. I hope the investment in a down time like we find ourselves will not leave the sponsors penniless.

Among the speakers were Governor Perry, Mike Huckabee, Bob McEwen and Newt Gingrich (by video). The two speakers who were most impressive were historian David Barton and Representative Bob McEwen. Barton emphasized how many of our founders were preachers who left the pulpit with their congregations following them to participate in the revolution. McEwen provided one of the most impressive explanations I've ever heard for less government taxes and more moral accountability of our people and its leaders.

There was a great deal of Christian music with a powerful sound system to transmit the instrumental accompaniment. Vicki, I felt like Pastor Inkfest at the ministerial conference in Orlando, Florida. We looked a lot like the pastors Garrison described as attending that conference. There were a lot of Baptists and Assembly of God attendees and a sprinkling of churches of Christ and other evangelicals.

It was a good experience and I'm glad I attended, but Linda I couldn't work Perry and Huckabee into my schedule for coffee and private counselling. Maybe next time. I'm in such demand.

Until next time, Worship the Lord and pat your preacher on the back.


Jan Kelley said...

I am glad you had this opportunity. Too bad those guys didnt realize what an oportunty they had with you in their midst. One day they will know.

i will pat my minister on the back tomorrow since i will not be able to pat you on your back for being such a great team person for our Lord's team. Does that sound too hokey to print? If so i apologise. I am actually a bit embarrassed by it, but you get the compliment i was trying to give, right? jk

vicki said...

I am so glad you got to go and rub shoulders with...would you say greatness? or just goodness? And I trust that you left your card with the Movers and Shakers committee so they could get back to you to hear your private thoughts when they could really focus. And what are they feeding the sophisticated palates these days? We have had a couple of wedding showers today, and starting Tuesday we will be concentrating on the wedding like nobody's business. However, Monday we go the Fair!!

Linda said...

Sophisticated palates, hum!!! I guess that wouldn't include my pinto beans, cornbread and onion, food for the gods. Glad you had a good time and I'm sure it was most interesting with varying religious and political types there. Glad you're back. Linda