Friday, October 3, 2008

Savvy Sarah vs Joe Blow and the winner was John McCain. "There you go again gone it"
The two debaters appealed to different audiences with different approaches. Joe tried to impress with his experience and command of the facts, but with Joe you need a "fact check" with you all of the time. Sarah reached out to main street with her down to earth, "I'm one of you" style. Those trained in debate might have given the edge to Joe, but those trained in living probably gave the edge to Sarah. After the Katie Couric interview, expectations were so low that she easily won because she wasn't debating Joe as much as she was the MSM image of Sarah. My guess is that today, McCain is ecstatic and Obama is status quo.

McCain clearly has an uphill battle, but should he make the top of the hill, it will because he took a gamble on a little known Governor from Alaska.


Currently I am preaching a series on the 10 commandments and this week's sermon concerns "Thou shalt not murder". Should any murderers be reading this blog, please feel free to give me your confession so that I can supply my sermon with an illustration or two. I was thinking about asking for a show of hands from those who have ever commited this sin, but I decided that might not be very productive. We "Church of Christ" people are mostly introverts and are not much into therapeutic behavior.

On Wednesday we finally finished our study of Revelation. A lot of people were bettin that the end would come before the end of the study would come.

What can one study next after we have studied "the end"? Any thoughts, I'm always open?


Jan Kelley said...

i love the blog. i will offer a suggestion for the end of the blog. Since one has completed a study of "the end", how about studies of the "journey" of followers and of non-followers found in the Good Book. This could be old testament characters as well as new testament characters. Differing journeys resulting from choices they made or just things that occurred ramdomly in their lives. Look at the hard times and the good times of both and how each handled the journey. Who did they blame, if anybody? Who did they praise, if anybody? What was their "end"?

Now to the Palin/Biden chat last night. I thought Sarah did a good job and i feel that all voters with a briqan, can see that she did a good job. My concern is that people who do not read and did not see the debate will not take all of their info from msnbc or cnn or the other stations who pick the candidate they want and slash the ones they dont. I guess we should pray for this nation and this election. Perhaps God will hear our cries and heal this land. Again, i love this blog. jk

vicki said...

My suggestion was to be that since you have polished off "the end," it is time to look at "how then we should live" and that might be a study of Psalms and Wisdom literature. However, the suggestion on the table is a good one as well.
I watched the debate and was very pleased with Sarah's demeanor and her responses. To me Joe seemed a tad snide, but not as rude as he might have been tempted to be. I think the people who say it's a draw just can't bear to admit that Joe took a beating from the lady.

vicki said...

Wanted to be among the first dozen or so to let you know that a new pulpit minister for PC has been announced. He is Gordon Dobbs, currently a missionary in Rio de Janiero. His education is from OCU and OSU, I believe. He does have a PhD, not sure in what, though. He is married with two children and probably in his mid 30s, give or take. There was a short video message from him and he seems very personable and eager to begin.

His tenure will begin in February. The congregation where he is now is appointing elders in November and a locally trained minister will replace him in the pulpit. So please pray that the Lord will bless all these transitions, and that we will all walk in His will.

thanks for listening, and looking forward to your next post.

Linda said...

Ronnie, I love the blog, it's great. I have it in my favorites and intend to look at it daily so keep writing. I enjoy your perspective on all things biblical as well as political. As far as being at the end, I hope not. We still have alot to learn and by the way, have you considered God's servant Job???? What a study!!! Might be a good one for hard times are a'coming!!! Keep up the good work....Linda