Don't give up on McCain, there remains hope as long as Joe the plumber and Joe the bumbler are being covered by the news media. Joe the plumber seems more effective in communicating the message that resonates with mainstreet America than John McCain is, but since Joe showed up too late to win the nomination we must support his surrogate.
If we had a few more weeks, I would feel extremely confident that Joe Biden could deliver America to the McCain camp. His comments on an international crisis within 6 months of Obama's election provides one of the best arguments I've heard against Obama's election.
Did you see Sarah on Saturday Night Live? Apparently most of America did and was impressed.
This election may not be as important as the Constitutional Convention that gave birth to America, but words spoken concerning that event bring comfort and hope to me. Let me share just a few words from one of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin. One of only a few fathers without a formal education, but by all accounts one of the wisest of the fathers.
As the convention approached Franklin wrote the following words in a letter to Thomas Jefferson:
I hope Good from their meeting. Indeed, if it does not do good, it must do Harm, as it will
show that we have not Wisdom enough among us to govern ourselves; and will strengthen
the opinion of some Political writers that popular Governments (governments
determined by the votes of the people) cannot long support themselves.
America was to be an experiment in liberty, one that many doubted could work because of the ignorance of the masses. Elections even today tend to contrast those who believe power should be left to the people and those who believe decisions can best be made by an elite group of politicians and educators.
When the convention bogged down in controversy and delegates were about to disband in hopeless division, Benjamin Franklin stood up before the august assembly and spoke these words:
Have we forgotten our powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need its
assistance? ...And the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God
governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice
is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?....Except the Lord build the house,
they labor in vain that build it."
It seems from that time forward that the convention began to make progress and we remain the bendficiaries of their labor and God's blessing.
At the end of the convention, a lady asked Frankling what kind of government the convention had given them, and Franklin answered: "A republic, if you can keep it".
Such is the task for Americans today. Can the people be trusted to keep it, we shall see. In the meantime we should pray. Franklin's faith and mine would differ in many ways, but he knew who governs the nations. (cf. Dan. 4:32). Pray for our republic and pray that our people will make the right decision come election day. Whatever the outcome, realize that ultimate power belongs not to McCain or Obama.
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Sometimes, when we're involved with everyday life, when we see the destruction of moral and spiritual values everywhere, we have a tendancy to forget that God "IS" in control. The hard part is trying to think about what is going to happen to our civilizaton considering the downward spiral our nation is taking. Because of our ever increasing alienation from God, we're positioning ourselves for a fall. Biblical history bears it out. Who knowns what that will be and in what form it will come, but I'm convinced it's coming. Like Job(you knew I had to get it in there) we need to pray for endurance,faithfulness and wisdom to overcome. Sounds like gloom and doom but what ever way it goes, God is "STILL" in control and is way larger than the Democrats and Republicans combined. Linda p.s. Ronnie, send me your email address. L
Hey, RD, it is a pleasure to read your evaluation of the current conditions and to benefit from your calling attention to our roots and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. Yes, we must pray, and I will continue to do so, and fyi, I voted today as well.
(I wrote in You and Ben F., and if he chooses not to serve, Joe the P.)
Man alive, you are a smart man. This is a powerful post and i am embarrassed to say, it is my reminder to pray fervently for our nation, I am thinking we are so far down the tube that i am glad i am 62 and wont see the demise. I will begin to pray for God to bless our nation. For our people to vote for the one who is needed to lead us in the ways
God would have us to go. Sometimes i amaze myself at how very shallow i am, but fortunately i have smart friends who write blogs that are able to bring me to my senses and make me think. God bless Ronnie Wiggins and God bless America.
Man alive, you are a smart man. This is a powerful post and i am embarrassed to say, it is my reminder to pray fervently for our nation, I am thinking we are so far down the tube that i am glad i am 62 and wont see the demise. I will begin to pray for God to bless our nation. For our people to vote for the one who is needed to lead us in the ways
God would have us to go. Sometimes i amaze myself at how very shallow i am, but fortunately i have smart friends who write blogs that are able to bring me to my senses and make me think. God bless Ronnie Wiggins and God bless America.
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