Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The world is heating up, is it Global Warming?

Al Gore has made much more by losing the presidency than he ever could have made by winning. He should thank Florida and the Supreme Court. The millions he's brought in by the "convenient theory" of Global Warming would make a President's salary look like pauper's pay.

Is the world heating up? I think so, but not in the way Global Warming proponents suggest. North Korea launched a rocket against the stern warning of the United States and the United Nations. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned of serious consequences and the head of the United Nations expressed his displeasure with the North Koreans for violating United Nations resolutions. What will be the outcome of such provocative actions, more warnings no doubt.

News broke today that Iran has been furnished with material for nuclear development from a Chinese firm with money being channeled through New York banks. How's our teddy bear like relationship with the Chinese working out for us? China will caution us to be restrained in our response to North Korea and Iran. Should any penalties be introduced in the Security Council of the United Nations, China and Russia will be there to veto such penalties.

China, Iran, North Korea and Russia are all seeking a more positive relationship with the U.S. now that the trigger happy Cowboy is no longer in power.

Our new leader has voiced his hope that we will all soon dismantle our nuclear weapons and become busom buddies. My leader is the Prince of Peace, but I believe he suggests that as long as this world stands, there will be wars and rumors of wars. Could it be a bit unrealistic to believe that we will some day before long live in a loving world where people will settle their differences by talking and talking and talking. If such is possible we should feel good about the prospects because we certainly have the right leader to represent us. The world is warming up, but be hopeful for we have a cool leader who is certainly not trigger happy. My prayer is that if he should be gentle as a lamb that he might also be as wise as John Wayne. For those too young to remember John, suffice it to say, he always knew when to draw his gun and fire. Bad guys had plenty to worry about if they messed with big John, but good guys always felt safe when big John was in charge.


Caddie said...

I appreciate so very much all of your writings, whether on abortion, global warming, or your monotonous self. You have caused me to think and even remember a few things. Surprise, surprise, surprise!!!
Love ya, uncle. Preach on!!

Linda said...

WHERE ARE OUR LEADERS that will stand up against this man who apparently has nothing but distain for our America? This man who has bowed before the King of Saudia Arabia while attacking the arrogance of his own country on French soil. This man who is closing Guantanamo Bay and refuses to acknowledge that there are terrorist in the world who are plotting to remove us from the earth. This man who is willing to kill babies on demand and allows 2%of the population to change our laws so drastically that very soon you not be able to preach on abortion and homosexuality without it being hate speak which will earn you a prison sentence. This man who can go to London for a G20meeting and agree to create an international board who will have authority to intervene in U.S. corporations by dictating executive compensation and business management decisions. In this man's world there is no constitution or declaration of Independence and in our world there seems to be no leaders stepping up to confront him and lead us in another direction. Our forefathers are rolling over in their graves.