Monday, December 29, 2008

Its Monday morning, December 29th. I hope all had a joyous holiday season, and are looking forward to a new year full of adventure and service in the kingdom.

Meanwhile, lets talk Cowboys football. For those of us who have followed the Cowboys for over forty years, yesterday was one of the alltime lows. Oh for the days of Landry and Schramm when character was king. America's team modeled character beginning with Landry. They didn't always win, but you never felt they were totally unprepared for a big game, but they never tried to build a team around headline grabbing players who made most of the headlines off the field by shooting guns and shooting their mouths off against teammates.

Mr. Jones showed his character on the first day of his ownership and his classless dismissal of Tom Landry. Its not that I question his dismissal of Landry. He was the owner and he had a right to make that decision, but it was the way he handled it that was an embarrassment to all who respect class, character and integrity. Nothing has changed since that first day. Jerry's arrogance is shown by his lack of concern for the fans and his determination to do it "my way" even if the product looks like yesterday.

One can only hope that if the fans want change, they will show it by keeping their pocketbooks in their pockets and refuse to buy seats in the new Jerry World Stadium. If anything can conquer his arrogance, its his greed. If the fans continue to spend for a product like yesterday, then they will receive what they deserve. We reap what we sow.

Now that I have vented I feel so much better. Do you need to vent? Do it now, before your new year's resolution about venting limits your freedom. I offer my blog to you free of charge. Now vent, vent, vent.


Jan Kelley said...

I am so OK with the status quo that I have nothing to rant or vent about. My team is the TEXANS and they did us proud yesterday. So life is good in Houston and with us non-venters who feel oh, so superior to the rest of you venters. Perhaps I can make this my new year's resolution: to quit looking down on everyone who is not like me. Perhaps.

BT said...

The Sooner Nation experienced similar circumstances in Switzer's later years. One can but hope that Mr. Jones will be shown the error of his ways (no I do not believe he is capable of learning from what was seen on field on Sunday). Mortenson from ESPN advised Jerry to have an exit interview with his players so that they can VENT regarding the poison in the clubhouse.
Now, on to things more worthy of your intellect.

Linda said...

Jerry has certainly ruined the game as we once knew it. But he's not the only thing I would vent about before my resolutions kick in. I also have a problem with drivers who nearly drive up your tail pipe even if you're the only two cars on the road; drivers who don't mind putting their life, your life and the lives of others in jeopardy by passing when they have the yellow stripe; old ladies who don't begin to write their checks at the grocery until the last item is checked; people who "WHISPER" in church and movies; people who pop their gum and smack their food; and people who have to "one up" everything you say because they've done it, they've been there or they wrote the book. All this "STUFF" drives me crazy but I can't stand around here talking all day, it's time for my Prozac! Thanks for letting me vent, I feel better now. Have a good day and a Happy New Year.