Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! I think we all knew in our heart of hearts that the results would be as they were. In my lifetime the only other presidential candidate who approached the level of charismatic appeal of Obama was John Kennedy. Reagan had an appeal that I guess one could characterize as charismatic, but I prefer to attribute to his simple and straightforward presentation of conservative ideas and values.

We must all admit that Barak Obama is one of the most gifted communicators that we have ever seen in the political arena. His gifted presentations don't make him anymore right than anyone else, but it makes him more appealing. I think that appeal and the charmed existence he experienced in the world of journalism and the media were enough to overcome any argument that might be mounted against him or his views. I must also tip my hat to his campaign and its grassroots organization. He outmanned and outperformed the McCain campaign. Thus I must reluctantly admit that in some ways he deserved to win. That doesn't change at all my concern for our country and the future.

I have actually grown in my respect for McCain through the campaign. He's no messiah and as a human makes mistakes, but I greatly admire his character and his service to our great country.

What have we learned that might help conservatives in the future? We have learned that our country and its people have changed. We deceive ourselves if we believe that most people are conservative, but were just mesmorized by Obama. The Pew Research Center has polled our country every year for the past 20 or so years so trends could be determined. For the past four years there has been a significant turn leftward. Why? When I get to the office, I will give my answer to that question, and will look forward to your input.

Until then,

1 comment:

Jan Kelley said...

I believe that the "people" of America are not the same as when the country was founded. We now have welcomed all to our shore and our naion is a nation of Buddists, Muslims, Atheists with guaranteed rights, and Jehovah God is no longer honored and respected on any level by the masses. But there is a remnant here, and it is up to us to let our messase be heard and our example be felt. We do need to be aware that our message, while it never changes, needs to be delivered to a different audience which means, I think, that it must be deliered in a different manner. God is still on the throne and we are still His people. Our responsibility is to determine, with the"new" American, how to deliver our message so that it will be heard, respected and believed. jk